Beethoven's 5th symphony - a translation
There's a problem at hand,
Well, can we look at it this way?
How about this? Will this help?
This? This? Please, try this... I'm sure this will at least anaesthetize the pain a bit.
No, it won't! The problem is still at large, don't you see?
This doesn't work, not even this.
So, now what is left to us to do?
Please, I'm sure we can find a solution to this.
This is my direct plea! Don't ignore it! Don't ignore it! Don't... oh!
It's no use..
Oh.. just find a happy place.. There are so many substitute joys with which we can replace these un-handsome worries.
For example, the green grass; Hey look! The blue skies! No? How about some more brilliant, fun-filled colours?
Yes, Yes, I think I'll take refuge here.
Aargh!! This gnaws at the back of my head, and it has surfaced again.
Irritating and rising to a crescendo of irritation making it more than just an annoying rat in my abode of engineered joy.
There's a flute in the distance, let me redeem myself in its pointless notes.
They are fading into a criss-cross of my original thoughts.
Haha! I was wrong. Just an innocent plaything - this mind of mine.
It saddens me that my mind is controlled by all-and-sundry kinda art.
Ah! Screw it.. see now? I control my mind by choosing my art!
Haha! See? See? Haha! Watch me!
*Some inward-outward jolts can't be explained*
See, it's all just perspective. The 2 extremes that you see here are but illusions.
They'll disappear. You didn't hear of them until now. You won't hear of them again.
And they'll also metamorphose.
Just accept reality! But reality hasn't crescendoed in order to end.
Listen... listen close. Rise___ and calm!
From within.. breaking free and its not so bad after all.
It is rising again..
I don't know what to do.
Wasn't this supposed to be easy?
It is confusing me! This is not what i bargained for.
Something's slowly rising, still I don't seem to have the time to understand it in its passing.
Here, I'll put it simply -
Tan Tan Taaen!
An end is always just almost an end. Never anticipate it too early.
I never would've been able to do it without the backbone of a biotechnology book.
P.S. this is just the way I see it. My own thoughts are absent, making it more worthy.