Thursday, January 1

Time and its accessories

Time flies when you don't pay attention
Time slows down when you watch it closely.
Maybe, it is just observing details of something when watching it closely.
The details of time are the moments.
The richer time is of moments, the more significant it becomes - the past.
Time is full of the past.
The future is generally just a singular quantity of time.
In 'Time and tide wait for none.' , time has a negative role - of being the usurper.
Tide is the good guy, the consistent, the unconditionally loving.
So, overall, the quote is quite neutral.
But people fail to see tide's significance only noticing time.
Evil always gets precedence for notice.
Just priority - nothing conspiratorial.
Free time is a dreamer's dream.
But free time is enjoyable only because time is so costly.
When time becomes worthless, the worthlessness of time becomes worthless - like how vacations are meant for workers.
'Time being' - What a phrase!
The extension of a moment to make it into a canopy, a net to break the fall of an action.
Of being caught up in the past - If its worthy of more thought than it received, then why not?
Future has only limited possibilities anyway, the possibility that longing offers.
When one gets tired of the possibility of longing, why not go back to the once had?


Blogger Ekta said...

'Future has only limited possibilities anyway, the possibility that longing offers.
When one gets tired of the possibility of longing, why not go back to the once had?'

can you elaborate this? am looking forward to be more thrilled,please? :D

Tue Jan 13, 09:57:00 AM  
Blogger Vishwanath said...

oh.. umm.. basically.. u watch the future with hopeful eyes.. theres only a singular emotion that u associate with it.. longing.
but the events, the past, that u had were so random and filled with so many millions of emotions which u can't really expect the future to have.. so its not wrong to go back to the past.. thats all.. longing gets boring after a while.

Wed Jan 21, 04:10:00 PM  

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