What do you want to be, son?
"I want to grow up to be just like my daddy!"
There is this recent addition of a word, among several others, to the Oxford English Dictionary. The word is 'wannabe'. The train of thought leads to 'Wannabe nigga', 'Wannabe junkie', etc, but those images are out there in the market for a lot less. Hence, the newly devised categorization -
The first ones are the simplest - they most frequently involve a role model and also a certain set of people consisting of some famous personalities and some 'real' ones whose behaviour they emulate. This is done to various levels. They are most often the victims of the term.
The second category belongs to those who chase after the glorified adjectives. They take their pick of words from the 501 best personality traits handbook and rigorously attempt to earn the mention of the same in their testimonials. The adjectives don't describe them, they describe the adjectives. They are blind to gray because the code asks of them to be. A wide range of good qualities to choose from and personal interpretations , make them a diverse community.
Another very significant group of wannabes are the 'wannabe rebels'. They do to defy social norms or norms in general. They are the ones who wear the 'Rules are meant to be broken' t-shirts around. They constantly strive to keep their 'rebel' tag upright.
Finally, there are the ones perched upon the high trees, dividing whatever they see, into squares, for easy mental digestion, and to remain above the classified class. Seems like they didn't manage to escape their own wrath.
So choose which category you fall into. I pick the last one. Or did i just create it?